Physical Stats
EYES: Dark Purple
HAIR: Bleach blonde with lavender tips and bangs. Her bangs curve around her face and are chin length, like her hair. Her hair is also very straight. She also has two “meatballs” on both sides of her head.
BUILD: Tall and lean, kind of model like
HEIGHT: 6’4’’
CLOTHING: Wears a black chain necklace with a small blood red ruby butterfly charm.
SUBJECT: Art, figure drawing. She also enjoys Biology
FOOD: Anything Italian
COLOR: Purple
GEMSTONE: Blood red rubies or black diamonds
ACTIVITY: Photography, Figure Drawing
Least Favourite
SUBJECT: History
FOOD: Vegetables
COLOR: Pink and yellow
ACTIVITY: Studying for tests
GENERAL PERSONALITY: She can be very secluded, kind of pulled up inside herself. This is due to being an artist mostly, wanting to be able to have the quietness to think and to create. When she isn’t in an artsy mood she is friendly, and very protective of her friends.
SENSHI PERSONALITY: Strong fighter and very determined to destroy the evil in the world. She would give her life to save her friends, she is not scared of death by no means.
WEAKNESSES: Studying for other subjects, being friendly
FUTURE GOALS: Manga/Comic Artist
HOBBIES: Photography, Figure drawing
Daughter of Antinio Fornutelli- an Italian mafia boss, and Myrasa Ayesa- an Australian marine biologist. She grew up in Verona until the age of 14, when her parents divorced and her mother moved to Japan. The divorce was on good terms, her father is not out to kill her mother over mafia secrets. At the age of 16, Jordis found her gift for art, mostly figure drawing. At the age of 17 she was already in college for figure drawing and wanted by many businesses and comic companies. On her 17th birthday she was told of her senshi powers buy a gem fairy. Gem fairies are the spirits within the gemstones. On her birthday, her father gave her a black pearl, and from this her powers were awakened. The fairy told her about the special GemLife Belt, which held the sacred elemental gems. The gems each held a special elemental power (of which I derive from the color or just kinda make up). These powers she can call on, but only one at a time, to help her in battle.
At the age of 18 she moved to New York, where her father now lived, since her mother was always at work and never at home. She learned the streets and a little about her father’s job. Big Tony, her father’s right hand man took her in and showed her the ropes for a year. This experience hardened her personality wise and gave her a lot of creativity for her artwork.
She now lives back in Japan with her mother, finishing her last year of graduate school work and soon to be starting a job at a manga company as the major artist for a new story, Selene: Mystical Rain.
Senshi Stats
Skirt: Top and bottom are dark purple, middle is wine red
Body Suit: Dark gray/light black. Tube top like. Right behind her shoulder blades, on each side, 2 foot light purple wings sprout from the sides of her suit.
Collar: Dark purple with 2 wine red stripes
Boots: Venus pumps, wine red with a black star shaped diamond on the band around her ankles, in the middle
Gloves: wrist length, dark gray/ light black with no rings
Tiara: black with wine red star
Choker: purple, ties off on the side with short ribbons coming from it
Bows: Back bow is eternal and wine red, no front bow
Locket: Blood red ruby butterfly charm, triple the size of her necklace charm.
Extras: Sleeves are 3 strings of black diamonds that hang off her shoulders, black chain belt around her waist, hanging off her left hip. There are 10 tear drop gemstones hanging from it: Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Amethyst, Sapphire, Opal, Peridot, Aquamarine, Pearl, Garnet. Around right wrist is a silver chain bracelet that also has all of these jewels.
TRANSFORMATION: Pysi Beautify Power Up!
TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE: Her butterfly necklace charm glows red and suddenly bursts into small shards. These shards fly at her, now naked body. As they hit her, they don’t cut her but start to grow and form her uniform. As this completes, a swirl of multi colored butterflies fly around her. Most bond to her forming her skirt and collar. The black butterflies bond together in a chain around her waist, making her jewel belt. One special butterfly, a larger dark red one (only one of its kind) flies around her head causing her tiara to appear. It then makes its way to her bow and forms her locket. She then leaps and does a back flip in the air, landing and posing exactly like Mars.
Weapons // Attacks
Her Attacks all involve the elements that are found within these gemstones on her belt. To perform the attack, she must take the gemstone off her belt.
Ruby- Fire
Emerald- Plant Life
Diamond- Air
Amethyst- Metal
Sapphire- Water
Opal- Light or Dark (mood dependent)
Peridot- Earth
Aquamarine- Ice
Pearl- Animal Spirits
Garnet- Time